>> Access the abstract submission platform
Abstracts can address a wide range of topics in transitional care for adolescents and young adults with chronic conditions as far as possible, the research approach must be adopted whatever the stage or methods (development of pathways, programs or tools including co-construction, implementation including facilitating elements and obstacles, evaluation of the process including feasibility, acceptability, evaluation of the effects on patients, families, professionals, transferability, economic evaluation, monitoring of indicators, human sciences, art-based research...)
- Abstracts are limited to 300 words, excluding title, authors, and affiliations.
- Abstracts should include: Title, Last name and initial of all authors, Email address of corresponding author, Affiliation(s) of all authors.
- Abstract format: Background & Purpose, Methods, Results, Discussion/Conclusion. Do not include references or tables.
- All abstracts will be peer-reviewed by the Scientific/Organisation Committee as part of the selection process.
- Notification of acceptance or rejection will be made via e-mail by June 1
st 2025.
- Accepted abstracts will be assigned to Oral or Poster walk presentations according to the decision of the Committee.
- Please submit online before 1
st May 2025